I have some awesome photos and memories to share from ROMA! Also, now that I'm back in the USA (SO happy to be back) my dad said that I...
A few quotes I'll remember
Since I've been here in Geneva, there have been a few quotes that have really stuck with me. These are quotes that made me laugh, made...
The end is near.
Such a bittersweet feeling that's creeping up and starting to hit me more each day. Talking with my friends about going back to our...
11 Things I Learned from Losing 12 Inches
I cut my hair over Christmas break. Drastically. After doing it I've had so many girls say "OMGosh you cut your hair, I love it!" my...
Mornings are the best!
Nothing to say, just pictures!
CERN (complicated electric research of neutrons)
I actually made that title up, but as awesome and mind blowing as it was, it was so confusing and mind-boggling. It also made me...
The Final Weeks in GVA
Only a few weeks left until I'm headed back home for good! I'm trying my best to walk around Geneva as much as possible and make the...
Back to Geneva
Well I've finally settled back in my apartment after more than 24 hours in transit. I could add up the hours but it gets really...
Vikings vs Bears 2014
It was a chilly 16 degrees, but that doesn't mean much to a bunch of fans from Minnesota and Illinois. The stadium was close to full! I...
I'll be home for Christmas
I have missed home so much. Being home at Christmas time is just so relaxing. Even though I don't have a huge family here and not...